Hi! Today I am going to tell you about my dog. His name is Budiberto but we call him Budi or Budin or Budito lovingly and my mom calls him gentlecan. He is eight years old and he is the most beautiful dog in the entire world. He likes to be the center of attention, otherwise he starts a tantrum and he looks at you like this… He is a little bit tricky. He also has a boyfriend, but in this photo he is so dirty ups. They have been together for about six years. Once he met his boyfriend he never liked other kind of toys ever again. For some reason he likes to sleep with the tail hanging, in his bed, my bed or the sofa. Wherever he is he sleeps like this: But do not think he is lazy, because he also likes to study Cats catch his attention, but they really are not friends… he doesn’t like cats He likes to look out the window. Just for fun at day but as a guard dog at night But not everything is always happy, once he had some troubles in his kidneys and he had to be ho...