Hi! Today I am going to talk to you about my future job. For me it is too soon to say something specific about what would I work in, but I think I can give you a few general notions.

I am in second year of Social Work program, so I will be a Social Worker who makes social interventions. I imagine myself working maybe in a ministry providing improvement strategies in specifics social programs and policies.

This would be an indoor job, but I think it would be important to travel to places where lives people whom social programs and policies is managed to, because it is fundamental to know the realities of people before you do public politics. But it is not like I expect to travel to other countries.

The truth is I don’t know about the salaries, and if you look on internet some statistic about my career in this university you won’t find information as this program was re-opened in 2015, so it is too soon to know statistic like salaries. But for what I have seen in other universities (like PUC), the salary’s average is between CLP$800.000-900.000, and as I am planning live without children I think it might be enough, I am not really worry about salary.

Since third year in our program we have “núcleos I+D”. They consists in a way for research, social intervention and transdisciplinary development, and they are divided by social phenomena. I am interested in the núcleo called “Relaciones Socioeconómicas y Luchas Sociales”, which studies how neoliberal model has transformed our life and the socioeconomic inequalities that it bring us. So, socioeconomic configurations and social struggles are what I want to study in deep, because I am not according to this socioeconomic model. I think it is disastrous for our society, so I want to study it in deep and find a way to change it.


  1. It would be great if you worked to carry out home visits, since field work is very important and brings us closer to the true reality of people


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